Environmental and Social Policy
Environmental & Social Policy
Invescore NBFI has defined Sustainable development as one of the key goals in its mid-term business strategy and within scope of this goal, the organization's environmental and social principles, development of green products and services, and internal environmental and social goals are reflected in its 'Environmental & Social Policy'. With this policy, Invescore NBFI declared to contribute to UN 17 SDGs and principles of Mongolian Sustainable Finance Association and manage environmental and social risks effectively arising from its own operations and the business operations of its clients.
Sustainable Development Cooperations
The Mongolian Sustainable Finance Association (MSFA) was founded by banks and the Mongolian Bankers Association in 2017. Since 2021, the MSFA has expanded its cooperation with non-banking financial institutions aiming for building the fundamental of sustainability in non-banking sector. Invescore NBFI is one of the first and active member of MSFA and aims implementing 8 principles in its business activities.
Aiming to contribute to the UN SDGs and other broad development goals, we are committed to the UN Global Compact.
With this commitment, Invescore NBFI will pursue 10 principles in its business activities in 4 main areas: respecting human rights, creating a suitable employment environment, protecting the environment, and conducting consistent activities against corruption and bribery.
The United Nations Global Compact is the world's largest sustainability initiative, with more than 15,000 companies from more than 160 countries participating.
Environmental & Social Management System
Invescore NBFI prohbits to finance activities that are highly harmful to the environment and society through its Credit policy, and the updates 'List of Prohibited Financing Activities' in accordance with the requirements of international partner organizations. In addition, 'Environmental and social risk management procedure' has been approved and implemented in credit operations in order to identify, evaluate and reduce environmental & social negative impact of the clients.
Gender Policy
Invescore NBFI has approved the 'Gender Policy' defining the principles, internal structure and responsibilities in order to ensure gender equality at workplace and to create equal opportunity for every employee.
Complaints & Suggestions Reporting

The results and implementation of the risk management system are reported quarterly to the Board of Directors and the Risk Management Committee under the Board of Directors, and to the Executive Committee on a monthly basis.

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