ESG Governance
  • Policy
  • ESG strategy
  • Executive Management
  • Execution of ESG
  • Action plan
  • Approves procedures & guidelines
  • Risk Management Unit
  • Setting policy & procedures
  • Methodology for risk assessment
  • Monitoring & reporting
  • ESG Working Group
  • Operating Responsibly
  • Implementation of ESG objectives
  • Risk Officer
    E&S Officer
    Green Loan
    Green office
    Gender Equality
    Disclosure to Stakeholders & DFI’si

    Invescore NBFI, member of Mongolian Sustainable Finance Association since 2021​

    We apply following environmental and social responsibility principles in our business practices:

  • Protect the natural environment
  • Uphold human rights and protect communities
  • Protect cultural heritage
  • Promote “green economy" growth
  • Promote financial inclusion
  • Promote ethical investment and corporate governance
  • Promote transparency and accountability
  • Lead by example
  • Star

    We are committed to implementing the 10 principles in 4 areas into our companys strategy and daily operations.

  • Human rights
  • Labor
  • Environment
  • Anti-Corruption
  • Star

    EBRD Performance standard compliance

  • PR 2: Labor & Working Conditions
  • PR 4: Health & Safety and;
  • PR 9: Environmental & Social Risk Management
  • Star